What We’re Thankful For in 2024


Both of us have many things to be thankful for this year.  While this blog is focused on personal finance & Financial Independence, it may surprise some people that none of the things we’re thankful for are directly associated with money – life is about so much more than dollars & cents.


Until recently I’ve taken most things in my life for granted and never really took the time to contemplate all that I have.  As I mentioned in one of my musings, early retirement has provided me with an opportunity to think more clearly, so that I can now contemplate all the wonderful things in my life.

  • Family.  Just like Dominic Toretto from the Fast & Furious movies, family is important to me.  I’m very lucky to have a kind & loving wife, who has also been a supportive travel partner throughout our journey to FI.  I can’t imagine going through life with anyone else.  Having kids is a crapshoot because you never know what you’ll get – I hear horror stories all the time, but I’m relieved to say that mine turned out okay (at least for the time being).  I am very fortunate that I’ve had the opportunity to spend more time with my family since retirement.  I can feel us growing closer all the time and I hope this sets the foundation for the rest of our lives.
  • Friends – both old & new.  Number 1 on this list is The Squire with whom I’ve been friends with for 25 years – he’s always been there for me and I can’t think of a better partner for running Epic Financial Journey.  I’ve also met so many great people over the past year.  Although I’m an introvert, I’ve been purposely surrounding myself with others that have similar interests whether it’s personal finance/Financial Independence, sports, music, etc.  These friendships have enriched my life and I hope to deepen these ties in the years to come, while also continuing to meet even more new people.
  • Good Health.  I’ve dealt with my fair share of health issues throughout life, but I’ve also been very fortunate to avoid any major problems.  I know this can change at ANY moment, with increasing probability as I age.  Based on family history, I know that the day will come when my health will start to decline.  Although this is inevitable, I’d rather not worry constantly about an unknown future, but instead be thankful for the good amount of health I’ve had so far and that I’m able to enjoy at the present moment.
  • My life.  Is everything perfect?  Absolutely not.  So what’s there to be thankful for?  I have a life that I helped create & shape over 4+ decades as a result of all the choices I’ve ever made and all the actions I’ve ever taken.  Because my life is a culmination of all my personal experiences, whether good or bad, I wouldn’t change a thing because it’s also a life that is truly unique to me.  I am thankful to have all that I have.
The Squire

It is always fun at this time of year to look back and think about what I’m thankful for.

  • Family.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my family and extended family actually get along really well. We’ve been trying to get together more often over the last year for birthdays, holidays, or just an opportunity to meet up at a park. I realize how fortunate we are, and I am extremely thankful for my family. 
  • Scout.  It has been a blast starting up this blog with Scout, and it has added a whole new dimension to our friendship.  Not only do I get a chance to spend time with him, but our families get along as well. Also, he has been critical in introducing me to people in the Financial Independence community. FI becomes more real when talking with individuals and learning about their journeys.
  • Coworkers.  I enjoy what I do for work, but I also enjoy working with my co-workers. We don’t spend time together outside of work hours, but being around nice and carrying individuals has made the time I’ve spent at my job more fulfilling. I’m very thankful for them.
  • Moments.  This might be hard to explain, but I’ll try. I’ve been noticing over the past few years that time seems to pass by so quickly. So I’m trying really hard to stop and enjoy more moments in time, like capturing pictures or scenes of my life. Whether I’m having a deep conversation with one of my kids, or laughing uncontrollably about something silly with my wife, or spending half a day with a good friend, I try to stop and realize the importance of the moment, and appreciate it. I’m trying not to take for granted the big or even the small moments in my life. This has helped me to appreciate more joy in my life, and has reaffirmed my desire to spread happiness and gratitude to others as well.

On a side note, this post also marks the half-year anniversary of this blog (at least since we started releasing posts on a regular basis back in June).  We’d like to thank all of our readers for your support and encouragement thus far.  The journey is just beginning and we’re so glad you’re here with us!

Reader Questions

  • What are you thankful for?

Leave your answers or comments below – or email us directly at info@epicfinancialjourney.com

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